Sniffnet has grown a lot during the past months, and it’s been a pleasure for me to spend most of my spare time on its development.
I’m not gonna lie: passing hours and hours on this project has become my favorite hobby lately.

I can’t deny that sometimes it’s been hard to balance Sniffnet’s development with the daily University routine, made of never-ending lectures, group projects, deliveries, and home study.
I often ended up coding late (I mean very late) at night or skipping meals/lectures, since 24 hours a day never seemed enough.
Seeing Sniffnet getting traction and evolving, improving day after day, motivated me to keep pushing despite the obstacles along the way.

Long story short: having more time to dedicate to open-source was one of my primary wishes (and needs 😅).

Today, the 12th of April 2023, it’s such a joy for me to announce that Sniffnet has been selected for the GitHub Accelerator Program 🎉

The GitHub Accelerator is a program to pioneer new ways for developers to sustainably work on their open-source projects full-time.
20 promising and influential open-source projects have been elected, out of more than a thousand total applicants.
The maintainers of such projects will participate in a 10-week program receiving an initial sponsorship as well as mentorship from open-source leaders and enterprise partners on how to grow software projects and build durable streams of funding.

This means that during the next few months I’ll be able to work on Sniffnet full-time, with the aspiration to bring it to the next level.
I’ve lots of ideas for new features and improvements and I’m looking forward to implementing them all 😁

Turning such a huge passion into a full-time job is the best thing I could’ve ever asked for.
I truly wish that this journey will continue even after the 10 weeks of the program, with the hope of working on open-source for my entire career.

I believe that more and more programmers deserve to have opportunities like this one, and I hope the Accelerator will pave the way to a brighter perspective for the open-source community.

I can’t wait to see what the future has in store, and I feel blessed to have such an amazing occasion.
I’ll do my best to get the most out of this experience 🌟

Originally posted on GitHub Discussions.